Bridging the gap and fostering a stronger relationship between parents and schools. Punam Saxena on 20+ years of empowered parenting

Bridging the gap and fostering a stronger relationship between parents and schools. Punam Saxena on 20+ years of empowered parenting

At 8 years old, Punam started as a strong student and quickly went to being very mediocre… with a strong disbelief in education.Where were her parents? Why didn’t they step in and say anything?As a first generation Indian American, her parents didn't understand that in America, you can actually go and talk to the teachers and administrators unlike in India where teachers are so highly regarded and you don't disagree with them.This is why Punam Saxena, a pioneer in bridging the gap between parents and teachers and today’s ETV guest, decided her mission in life was to change the trajectory of someone else's life so they didn’t have to go through what she went through.

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Four Things Self-Care is Not

Four Things Self-Care is Not

Do you know that feeling when life is overwhelming and you just need some time for yourself?Maybe you handle the first few minutes of your day with grace and ease, but then your kids need something, work is calling, you have to take the dog out or you’re behind on your projects.Before you know it, you’re up to your eyeballs in everyone else’s needs. You find yourself thinking, “Seriously… what about me? I need a break.” OR “I need a vacation. ALONE!”When you’re in the mix of all of this, it’s important to acknowledge you and your feelings and what you’re needing.

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Motivation Alone Does Not Work. Use This Checklist Anytime You Want to Implement New Habits
Attitude, Body, FAB Body Attitude, Body, FAB Body

Motivation Alone Does Not Work. Use This Checklist Anytime You Want to Implement New Habits

Ever try to... Give up coffee? Stop eating fast food? Exercise more? Strive to drink more water?Have you found that within a few days or weeks into a new goal your motivation withers away?Motivation isn’t the only ingredient in the behavior-change recipe. Keep reading and learn how you can implement small, easy steps that are going to withstand the swings of motivation.

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