Take Ownership of Your Well-Being

Creating well-being from within will change your life forever. 

Your health is your wealth. Without it, what do you truly have?

Having cultivated well-being for over 25+ years and inspiring thousands to do the same, I can genuinely attest that reclaiming control of my health hasn’t just allowed me to live in alignment with my purpose. It has also brought about more joy, freedom, and self-worth than ever before.

I’ve helped thousands of health enthusiasts create health success by following a proven system—including teachers, educators, coaches, accountants, lawyers, artists, nurses, veterinarians, authors, entrepreneurs…


A Nourished Life

12 Weeks | Virtual

A Nourished Life is a comprehensive 12-week well-being program for health enthusiasts and purpose-driven creatives who want to create a meaningful and fulfilling life. It extends far beyond “traditional” approaches to well-being, using a combination of online training, personalized support, and myriad actionable and practical tools to help you overcome your health challenges.

A Nourished Life is for you if you’re ready to take a deeper look at yourself inside and out. It requires a commitment to prioritize your health and well-being as much as you do others. It’s for people who are sick of being told nothing is wrong when their body is telling them otherwise, for people who are tired of temporary fixes, and for people who are eager to learn life-long self-care strategies. 

Here’s the Living Proof

What’s inside A Nourished Life? 

Training is released in weekly modules inside a private, member-only site. You’ll get: 

  • The six core pillars of A Nourished Life audio training 

  • Done-for-you swipe files, resources and templates 

  • Support from a like-minded, health-conscious community


  • Live group coaching with Elyse Wagner 

  • Bonus masterclasses and advanced trainings 

  • Lifetime membership 

Imagine a truly nourished life filled with more… 




A Nourished Life will help you…

  • Before you can begin the process of change, you need to explore how you got to this point. You’ll uncover the core beliefs that dictate your relationship with food, exercise, and health. Then I’ll teach you how to uncover and shift those beliefs that truly serve and nourish you. No more negative self-talk.

  • No more guilt. No more body hate. If you want to change how you feel in your body, you first have to adjust how you think about your body. You’ll learn why a positive body image is so critical and unpack your history with body image. Using my expertise in positive psychology, I’ll show you how to rewire your negative thought patterns and implement daily practices to listen to and truly love your body.

  • It’s time to ditch the diet cycle and eliminate emotional eating—for good. Instead of thinking in terms of a one-size-fits-all solution, I’ll teach you about nutrition principles in plain English, then help you take a sustainable approach to choosing foods. I’ll also debunk diet myths that pop up over and over, so that you can tune out the noise and tune in to your inner wisdom.

  • Let’s talk “food and mood.” You already know that your emotions and your stress level affect what and how you eat. In this module, you’ll learn simple, proven strategies for calming down without reaching for junk food or sabotaging yourself every time. And because food isn’t the only thing that affects your mood, I’ll also teach you ways to radically shift the effects stress has on you, sleep better, and fit exercise into your routine - without dreading it.

  • Self-care goes far beyond what you put into your body. A deeply felt purpose, an abundance mindset, a willingness to forgive—these will ease your path and nourish your soul. This module will show you how to find balance in your life, how to get your creative juices flowing, and even how to be a little selfish (it’s good for you!)

  • You’ve been making changes that help you feel better. Now how do you keep it up? Our final module takes a positive psychology-based approach to long-term success. You’ll learn how to avoid mindset traps that often cause us to “fall off the wagon,” how to set yourself up to make smart decisions, and how to tap into your community for support when the going gets tough.

My Background


From the outside, you might think that well-being comes naturally to me. In fact, I spent most of my life dedicated to learning about well-being and a healthy lifestyle and even went to school to become a holistic nutritionist and mental health counselor for holistic nutrition and health psychology.

Even though I've studied this, it's a whole other thing to live it and go through it to truly understand it. Over the years, I’ve dealt with health challenges of my own, from anxiety and weight fluctuations to an autoimmune disease (just when I thought I had things under control). That's why I understand what it really looks like to live a nourished life.

I know how rough it is to feel like you’re never quite healthy, and I’ve made it my vision to see everyone own their well-being. 

I call it your “inner well.” And as I discovered myself, when you tap into your inner well, everything shifts—your approach to health, your habits, and the way you fit into the world so you can start living a nourished life.

Ready to Nourish Yourself?

A Nourished Life is Sold Out. Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open again.