Why Diets Don’t Work

It is time to speak some truth about diets!

They are not one size fits all...and forcing one on yourself isn't going to pay off (physically or emotionally). 

The path to health and happiness is paved by empowering yourself to choose the best food and thoughts you feed to your body and mind. 

Instead of suggesting the latest diet craze, I'd much rather serve YOU by sharing the skills, tools and techniques you need so you can eat what you want to fuel your body, when you want, and feel fabulous about it. 

They Don’t Work… Longterm

Maybe they work for a meal or for a day. But, let’s face it! We ALL  have hectic lives and probably have a family with one or more food intolerances or food preferences. It can be difficult to follow a strict plan, cause guess what? Things come up. Life gets in the way and sometimes, it’s just not practical or ideal to follow a meal plan to the ‘T.’

When you feel like you’re not following it and like you’ve fallen off the wagon, it can feel like a failure. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you were equipped with the skills and tools to create mindful and empowered choices and decisions every day in regard to your food? What would it look like to choose and plan your own meals?

They’re Boring: What You Need Is Balance

If I were to make a meal plan for you – it might look like a piece of grilled chicken with some baked or roasted broccoli sprinkled with almonds and walnuts  – yummy to me, but you may think that is anything but yummy! Your food likes and dislikes are going to look a lot different than mine or your families, friends etc… You’ve got to go with foods that are going to inspire you, lift up your spirits and entice your taste buds and serve you and your body.  

YOU’VE GOT TO FIND BALANCE! Get creative! Look up recipes, meal ideas, check out Pinterest and see what sparks your interest! Experiment, experience, and enjoy

You and your lifestyle Don’t Fit Into A Diet   

This one has a couple different sides to it… first, it goes without saying that you are an individual, which means your needs are different than the next person’s. This is the exact reason why diets don’t work - they don’t account for the bio-individuality of each person. A cookie-cutter plan just isn’t gonna cut it!

Everybody’s lifestyle is different and all of these diet plans were not created with YOU in mind. It is based on someone else’s behaviors, lifestyle, beliefs, attitudes about food, likes and dislikes. But, guess what? You have your own of all of the above. Once you have a positive food foundation, you are armed with all of the knowledge you need to make your own meal plan.

Ask yourself these questions: How many meals do you eat a day? Three? Six? Do you value all organic foods or do you splurge on organics once in a while? Do you have time to cook, prep and plan or are you needing on-the-go meals? There are so many decisions that go into meal planning, you’ve gotta find what works best for you!

Try this instead: Instead of working on a WHOLE meal plan – take it in bite-sized pieces and plan one meal at a time, like breakfast.

They Don’t Set You Up For Long-Term Success

Most diets don’t give you wiggle room. What needs to happen is for you to get in touch with your lifestyle, eating behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and your hunger and fullness signals. You need to know what foods work for you and what your likes and dislikes are… so how can someone else tell you how to eat?

You Know What To Eat:

Let’s be real! You are a smarty pants and you totally know what to eat! What can be more beneficial than that? Well, it turns out, you may benefit not so much on what you eat, but on HOW you eat and WHY you eat. These are the key ingredients that determine much of your choices and decisions around food – often these choices and decisions are unconscious!

Changing your eating can and does present a lot of obstacles. The pure magic happens when you turn those obstacles into learning opportunities and this comes with experimentation and experience!

Now I’d love to hear from you!

Share one insight you’re taking away from today’s blog post and one new thing you’ll implement in your eating lifestyle?


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