A simple formula for small and mighty changes

A Simple Formula for Small and Mighty Changes

Welcome to 2022! Hope you’re bringin’ in this New Year safely with your own unique flair.   For me, it’s green smoothies & tons of self-care. Alright… time to dig in.  Do you ever look at your accomplished goals and wonder… “How did I actually achieve or accomplish this?”  Maybe you start with the end-result in mind and wonder… “How do I get THERE?” Maybe you ask, “Why am I setting this goal in the first place?” I asked these same questions over the weekend and journaled on what I’ve been able to accomplish and the results I’ve achieved. 

Low and behold… writing my 2021 reflections and 2022 goals, I realized I have been following a simple formula and model for behavior change for over 22+ years! (yes, really!) My belief is  we set goals for one or all of the following reasons: 

  • Achieve results 

  • Learn a lesson 

  • Making meaningful change 

And in today’s video, I want to share this model of positive behavior change with you.  To learn about the model (yet to be named) keep watching and listening here.

Remember – You can change at any moment, any day and any time you’d like and achieve a different result and lesson. These beautiful lessons are like little diamonds buried in this + behavior change model. You don’t have to start or save all of your changes for the New Year. 

Give this model a quick try and then I’d love to hear from you on the blog. Specifically, share…  

1. One of your 2021 accomplished goals and an insight you had after trying this model on.  

2. An insight or lesson you learned. Cheers to a healthy, safe New Year!


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