Sound familiar?

If so, know that you’re not alone. 

This is what HUNDREDS have secretly been telling me in private texts, calls, emails and DMs.

What if ONE extraordinary opportunity could unlock the success, purpose, and impact you crave?

Trust me when I say: You’re here for a purpose and you’re here to impact people in a positive and sustainable way. With your passion, knowledge, and support, you don’t have to settle. I’m here to help you succeed.

You can live your purpose, keep growing and learning while making an impact on people positively, and earn money making a difference. I’m here to show you how.

FACT: You’ve just started scratching the surface of your deep potential … and you know it!

My hunch is that you’re on this page because you know that to be true.

I’m Elyse Wagner—Founder of A Nourished Life and A Nourished Business Academy, Co-Founder of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, author, speaker, mom, wife, horse lover, and foodie!

I’ve dedicated my life to bringing well-being to the world and it’s my vision to see a world where every person has a health coach.  

My mission is to inspire and empower billions of people to take ownership of their health and well-being. But I can't achieve this alone. We need millions of dedicated health coaches to make this vision a reality.

Certified Health Coaches change the world. I'm here to help you take your health coaching career to the next level!


If you’re reading this, you’re probably a lot like me—passionate about health and wellness, committed to helping people and creating a positive impact, leading by example, and walking the talk. You’re not in it just for the money.

You’ve already achieved some important life goals and milestones but want more. More fulfillment, meaning, and purpose. You want to share your gifts with the world. You’ve changed, you’ve transformed, and now you want to share that with others to help them change their lives too.

That’s why I’m opening up an opportunity for you to get the support you need and crave—the supportive container I wish I had when I first started my business.

For the past 10 years, my greatest mentor (a super successful sales trainer, professional development expert, CEO, author, and heart-centered world changer) and I have come together weekly, sometimes multiple times a week, to help each other map out our dreams, achieve our goals, and continually improve our skills, tools, and techniques.

We’ve sipped many coffees and talked about business ideas and dreams. Values. Family life. Health and wellness. Recipes and food excursions. Songs, poems, books. Exercising. Relationships. Personal and professional development. Money and serving, and how to make a positive impact while being heart-centered and trustworthy.

YOU NAME IT. We talk, laugh, cry about it, and we make our dreams and other people’s dreams happen.

And there’s ONE very magical reason why... WE CARE.

These magical gatherings are nourishing—to our soul, our mission, vision, the impact we want to make, each other, and our businesses.

Real talk. These meetings have supported me in my biggest breakthroughs, and toughest times, and taught me the greatest lessons, assets, and skills I know on how to succeed in business and in life. (And no—it’s not just about how to close a sales call or a deal.)

Calling this “Coaching Container” priceless would be a total understatement.

One day, I was talking to John and I said, “Hey—wouldn’t it be great if we could teach what you taught me about sales, leadership, professional and personal development, and how to help people take inspired action, to others experiencing the same kind of passion-driven, heart-centered, healing-health-making, goal-setting and getting magic too? Imagine how much healthier, happier, and more successful people would be with this kind of support?”

And John replied, "If anyone can do it, it's you!"

After all, what’s the point of living if you’re not doing it on purpose, with passion, helping people, and changing the world by making a positive impact?

This is why I’m excited to introduce you to...

12 Months of  Coaching, Community, Care with Elyse Wagner

A Nourished Business Academy  isn’t just another business, sales or marketing program. It’s a lifestyle, personal, professional development revolution for passionate certified or trained health coaches who want to create a positive impact in their communities and in the world.

Although there are plenty of health coaching programs available, many don’t offer the crucial hands-on knowledge and experiential support needed to genuinely build a sustainable, nourishing business.

It’s for those who want more support, strategies and sustainable success!


Join a community of heart-centered certified health coaches just like you. Say “goodbye” to feeling isolated and hello to unwavering inspiration, connection, community, and support.


Gain access to proven, actionable techniques and strategies that I’ve used to build multiple successful and fulfilling businesses. No fluff—just evidence-based tools that deliver results.


Success isn’t just about making money. It’s about living in alignment and making sure you’re taking care of yourself while you support others.


You’re invited to join me, Team Wagner, and my inner circle of colleagues, friends, and experts as we move from where we are today to where we want to be.


A Nourished Business Academy provides business and leadership mindset, personal and professional development, tools, strategies, skills, and support so you can…

Feel confident coaching clients, know exactly what to say, how to say it, and when to say it.

Gain clarity on your offerings, what you charge, and stand in your power and self-worth.

→ Follow a streamlined path to business, personal and professional growth (without burnout).

→ Receive loving and nurturing accountability and support to stay on track and focused on your personal and professional health and life goals.

Stand in your own health values and live your healthiest lifestyle so you can be a role model, teacher, and leader for those you serve.

→ Enjoy a positive, uplifting, safe, and supportive environment to grow, connect, and make the impact you’re here to make.

So you can live your purpose, helping others with passion, not someday - NOW.



Expect more support, more sales, more success—but that’s just the beginning…

Most programs drown you with loads of lessons and pre-recorded content that lacks real, actionable, and inspired results. This takes the wind out of our sails.

You’ve got a lot on your plate. Nobody has time to sift through long videos, audios, worksheets, or trainings. That’s why almost everything we do is LIVE and catered specifically to you and your unique needs.

In A Nourished Business Academy, our calendar is intentionally s p a c i o u s and results-focused.

There are weekly live, interactive workshops, office hours, tech hours, networking, and more!

A Nourished Business Academy is not like other programs out there. 

This is a safe, non-judgmental space for cultivating resilience, leadership, relationships, and making a real difference and impact in the world. And it starts with YOU first.

There’s no pitching. No rants. No negativity. No politics.

Just love, support, kindness, respect, leadership for well-being and proven tools to build your business and change the world.

In other words, we’re here to show up, live up to our fullest potential without regrets or fears, and treat adversity and opportunity the same—RUN STRAIGHT AT IT (with support!)

A Nourished BusinesS Academy Difference 

These days, a lot of people talk the talk. But you’re different. You’re here to walk the walk. Let's lead the industry and change lives for the better, sustainably. 

Building a business today means being our healthiest selves firstmentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and environmentally. That strength translates directly into our success.

Look—managing our health and life is already a full-time job. Not to mention supporting kids, family members, or aging parents

Our health is our wealth, and if we don’t put that first, what do we have left? 

Dealing with health issues and building a business isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I wish it were. But it’s not. We must build the resiliency and leadership within to show up for ourselves (first) and others we impact.

If we don’t surround ourselves with supportive, loving people who live their values too—then when life gets hard (and it will), it will feel like molasses trying to do anything in your health or business.

Can I share my journey with you? After graduating from grad school as a Certified Nutritionist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, I dove into starting my private practice, seeing clients one-on-one.

It was a challenging time. Despite my extensive education, I lacked the knowledge on how to navigate the business side of things. I faced countless struggles, shed tears of frustration, and even contemplated throwing in the towel. 

But deep down, I knew that the valuable knowledge and education I possessed needed to reach a wider audience. It was meant for more than just a handful of clients.

Then, fate brought me to John Maxwell, a mentor who has been a steadfast presence in my life for over 13 years. Through his guidance, I learned the intricacies of heart-centered sales and honed the leadership skills that define me today.

With this newfound knowledge, I co-founded the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, a global leader in health coaching education. 

And now, I'm bringing the same principles, tools, and format we teach in A Nourished Business Academy to empower other heart-centered health coaches like you.

You see, having a great education is only half the equation. If you don't know how to effectively serve, share, and sell this amazing gift, you're missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Money isn't just a transaction; it's an exchange of value, and the true value lies in building meaningful relationships. That's the lesson I've longed to impart to heart-centered health coaches, and now, it's finally here.

In A Nourished Business Academy, you'll learn not only the mindset but also the practical skills, tools, and systems that I've personally used to start and scale my businesses from ground zero to millions. And most importantly, you'll learn how to do it in a way that fosters lifelong connections. These skills are not just for now; they're for a lifetime.

It's your time to step into your leadership role from within, spread well-being throughout the world, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

What’s it like inside 

A Nourished Business Academy 

Here’s a taste…

Live Twice-a-month Office Hours & “Ask Me Anything” with Elyse Wagner

When it comes to helping health coaches who are starting or scaling a business, I’m dangerously good at cutting through to the core and helping you connect the dots and take an inspired next action step to build clarity and confidence! Count me in as one of your “board members.” I’ve got your back, I’m invested in you, and I want to see you succeed.

Value: $3,000

Weekly 90-Minute Live Group Business Building Sessions with Elyse Wagner

I’ll guide you through the fundamentals of starting or scaling your health coaching business in a unique, carefully structured sequence that honors your values and vision every step of the way. Each training builds upon the last, helping you identify your target market, create offers that resonate deeply with your audience, and market them in a way that feels authentic to you. No cookie-cutter approaches—this is about aligning your business with what truly matters to you.

We’ll dive into a personalized system and philosophy of selling that has taken my businesses from 0 to millions, all while staying true to core principles. Along the way, you’ll master essential tools, techniques, and skills in leadership, marketing, closing deals, speaking with impact, and mindset—each tailored to support your unique goals. These practical, hands-on sessions are designed to help you have coaching conversations that convert into real clients, real money, and a meaningful impact, all while staying true to your values. The value of these sessions far exceeds the investment in A Nourished Business Academy, delivering at least 10x the return.

Value: $6,000

Goal Setting & Getting with Loving Accountability

Most people set goals and forget about them. Not us! We’ve got our goals front and center each week, using them as a compass to guide us toward our dreams, desires, and aspirations. We’ll help you achieve what matters most to you so you can keep moving forward in an inspired way, making a positive impact.

Value: $2,500

Community + Networking: Connect with heart-centered people all over the world. Find new friends, colleagues, business partners—start a conversation, club, or community. Value: $2,000

Tech Office Hours: Figure out what’s working and what’s a no-go to help build your business when it comes to tech. I’ll bring in my team who can support you in finding the best tech to connect your business to your clients and dream goals. Value: $1,500

Book Club: Great leaders are always growing and reading. Let’s learn and grow together. Each month, we’ll pick a new community book to read and chat about. Value: Priceless

Live Well-Being Mixers: Meet potential clients, doctors, providers, and professionals looking to connect, network, and work or refer their clients to health coaches like you throughout the year. Value: $3000

And More…: The anticipation of additional surprises and perks adds an element of excitement and further enhances the program’s overall value. Value: $1500

Plus Founding Members Perks:

  • Exclusive Savings: Special pricing just for our founding members.

  • VIP Access: Be the first to receive new content and updates.

  • Personalized Attention: Tailored support to meet your unique needs.

  • Influence on Program Development: Your feedback will help shape the program’s future.

  • Limited Group Size: Enjoy a close-knit, supportive community.

  • Recognition: Stand out as a founding member of this groundbreaking program.

  • Insider Updates: Always be in the know about new opportunities and developments.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive space.

  • Bonus Content: Access exclusive resources and materials to enhance your learning.

  • Legacy Impact: Be part of something that leaves a lasting, positive impact.

What is settling and not getting the support you truly need costing you?

Let’s do this together! 



Fill out the application form to see if A Nourished Business Academy is right for you!


Still have questions? Book a call with me to get all the answers you need.


We train emotionally mature, certified, or trained health coaches who want to offer one-on-one or group coaching, both online and in person. Our focus is on those committed to a life of health, well-being, impact, and leadership.

You may be wondering if A Nourished Business Academy is right for your specific situation. Ask yourself the following questions to help decide:

 Do you want to make money doing something you love?

Do you want to express your purpose, passion, and help people?

Do you have ideas but don't know how to implement them or take them to the next step?

Do you know how to implement, but you're lacking ideas?

Do you want proven marketing, sales strategies, and tools that work?

Do you need support staying on track, motivated, and focused on what’s important to you?

Do you really want to help people, but you're just not sure how to turn your passion and knowledge into a business?

If you answered YES to 3 or MORE, then you belong in A Nourished Business Academy.

A Nourished Business Academy is NOT for you if you’re:

✔ Wanting a one-on-one business coach or mentorship.

✔ Looking for a done-for-you program to plug and play.

✔ Wanting to watch video after video with no live support.

✔ Satisfied with ‘just getting by’ or have little willingness to test, experiment, and yes… fail forward.

✔ Deciding between A Nourished Business Academy and putting food on the table. This should be the fastest, easiest, no-brainer investment in yourself… ever.


If you have a client question or aren’t sure how to respond, you’ll know exactly who to call

You can get answers, support, and responses almost immediately—no more waiting anxiously or stepping in self-doubt.

You need a referral for a client you know in your gut isn’t the right fit for you. You have a trusted network you can reach out to and connect with.

Knowing you have an idea and have a safe space to talk it out and bring it to reality because you know it can help hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

Setting boundaries, and saying no so you can stay focused on bringing your dream to life!

You’ve got people who get you, understand you, and what you’re trying to do, and are championing for you hard!

You’re the healthiest, happiest you’ve ever been, and you’re helping others do the same!

Your personal and professional goals from your heart are actually coming true!!! 💗 You feel fulfilled, joyful, and on purpose!

Let’s do this together! 



Fill out the application form to see if A Nourished Business Academyis right for you!


Still have questions? Book a call with me to get all the answers you need.

The power of health coaching lies in relationships.

True ROI is all about ROR—Return on Relationships.

When you join A Nourished Business Academy, you’re connecting to a conscious group of coaches who want to uplevel their success with you. You are who you surround yourself with.

You probably have lovely people in your life who support you right now with your health or business. But if any of them have limiting beliefs around health, wealth, success, what’s possible, or operate from a space of negativity, lack, fear, or just plain non-support, it will limit your leadership too.

The power of who you want to become, and how you want to impact people is up to you. And it depends on who you choose to be surrounded by.

Choose well.

You have so many gifts to share with the world. You’re here to change lives and make the world a healthier, happier place. We’re here to help you live aligned and achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations.

Questions? Just ask.

  • No worries! If your schedule doesn’t align with the live sessions or office hours, we provide recordings of the live sessions so you can catch up at your convenience. Additionally, you can always reach out for support through other channels if you miss the tech office hours. We’re here to ensure you get the help you need, no matter your schedule!

  • You’ll enjoy a live session almost every week for 90 minutes, plus bi-monthly office hours with me and weekly tech drop-ins. To get your business off the ground, most of our successful students find that dedicating at least 5-10 hours a week is key.

  • Certification or training as a health coach typically involves completing a comprehensive program that covers the science of nutrition and the art of coaching. Look for programs that are accredited by reputable organizations like the National Board for Credentialing Health & Wellness Coaches or the International Coaching Federation. When enrolling in the program, you'll need to provide an upload of your certification. A well-rounded program will offer a mix of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and hands-on experience to help you make a real impact in your clients' lives.

  • After a year in the program, you’ll have the opportunity to continue your journey with us! You’ll receive ongoing support through alumni resources, advanced training options, and access to a thriving community of fellow health coaches. We’re committed to your growth and success, so you can keep honing your skills, staying updated with the latest in the field, and expanding your business. Plus, you’ll have the chance

  • Absolutely! Whether you're just starting out or have been in the field for a while, A Nourished Business is designed to support you at every stage. If you don't have a business yet, this program will guide you through the foundational steps, help you develop a clear plan, and provide the tools and support you need to get your business off the ground. We’re here to help you turn your vision into reality and set you up for success from the very beginning.

  • Absolutely! If you’re still in the process of getting certified or haven’t graduated yet, you’re more than welcome to join A Nourished Business. This program is designed to support both aspiring and established health coaches. By starting now, you'll gain a head start on building your business and be ready to hit the ground running once your certification is complete. We’ll guide you through every step, from planning to launching and beyond. Just let us know your intent to finish your health coaching program by uploading a statement from your training program. Once you graduate, you'll need to provide your certificate of completion.

  • We strive to ensure you’re satisfied with your experience. If you decide that A Nourished Business isn’t the right fit for you within the first 14 days of enrollment, you may request a refund. To be eligible for a refund, you must submit any pre/post homework, attend all sessions, and complete a call with Elyse Wagner. After the 14-day period, we do not offer refunds as we invest significant resources into your training and support. If you have specific concerns or need further assistance, please reach out to our team, and we’ll be happy to help.

  • To qualify as a certified or trained health coach, your certification or training should come from a program approved by reputable organizations like the National Board for Credentialing Health & Wellness Coaches or the International Coaching Federation. Look for programs that offer a comprehensive curriculum covering nutrition, behavior change, and coaching techniques, along with practical, hands-on experience. When enrolling in our program, you’ll need to upload your certification and another form of ID. A solid training program will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make a meaningful impact on your clients' lives.  If your coaching certificate is not approved by the following organizations, please contact and we’ll support you.

  • Absolutely! If you’re a certified health coach working within a corporate or healthcare team, you’re still a great fit for A Nourished Business. Our program is designed to support coaches at all stages of their careers, whether you’re working in a team or running your own practice. Joining us will provide you with additional tools, strategies, and support to enhance your skills and expand your impact, both within your current role and beyond. We’re here to help you take your coaching career to the next level!

  • Great question! If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us directly. You can contact us via email:, Book A Call here, or call us at (888) 414-8313.  We’re here to help and will be happy to provide the information you need.

  • We want to ensure that A Nourished Business Academy is the perfect fit for you, so we require a "face-to-face" meeting via Zoom and an application process. This helps us confirm that you fully understand the program and that it aligns with your goals. If it turns out that this program isn’t the best fit for you, we’ll provide suggestions and options that might better suit your needs. Ready to apply? Click here.

  • A Nourished Business Academy Founding Members Class will begin on September 16. Our intention is to offer multiple classes a year. Each class runs for a full calendar year, giving you plenty of time to dive deep into the program and achieve your goals. If these dates don’t align with your schedule, you can always join our waitlist for the next session. We’re excited to support you on your journey!

  • Our Live Training Sessions are held on Mondays from 9:30 to 10:30 AM CST. This schedule ensures you start your week with fresh insights and motivation. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Tech office hours are dedicated times when you can get support for any technical issues or questions you might have. Whether it's questions about emails, connecting your social media accounts, setting up forms, or using Zoom, my team and I are here to support you. No more frustration or spending weeks on tech issues. Feel free to bring any and all of your tech-related questions!

  • At this time, this course is not eligible for Continuing Education Credits with the National Board for Credentialing Health & Wellness Coaches. However, we’re continuously updating our offerings, so please check back soon for any changes or new opportunities.

  • We currently do not offer scholarships for A Nourished Business. However, we’re committed to making our program accessible and offer a variety of payment plans to fit different budgets. If you have any questions about these options or need further assistance, feel free to reach out at or call us at (888) 414-8313.


If you know me, you know I love my books. I think I have more than I’ll ever read. Here’s the deal, though: reading, taking notes, and implementingis not enough. 

It’s not what moves the needle for me in my well-being and my businesses. 

Here’s what does: SUPPORT and MENTORS who actually CARE. 

Having a TRUSTED network of professionals who get me and help me soar. I’ve had so many of these wonderful relationships (which is one of my core values) that I want to provide that support to others now too. And I hope I can do that for you.

You probably know this by now, but the energy you surround yourself with—the people, places, things—all impact you. 

Whether you consciously know that or you’re hearing it for the first time, it’s your time to choose who you want to be connected to, surrounded by, and supported by so you can do the work you’re meant to do in the world.

If you’ve read this far, I think we can safely say we’re your people!

We believe in you. We’re here to help you win and succeed—not just in business but in health, life, and leadership!

Because you’re here to positively impact the world.

Let’s do this together! 



Fill out the application form to see if A Nourished Business Academy is right for you!


Still have questions? Book a call with me to get all the answers you need.